We Are Back In Action!

Dear Members

 Following the positive announcement from the Premier today, we can now return to tennis and our beloved club. Such was the excitement, bookings were made within minutes of the easing of restrictions and with a touch up this afternoon the courts are in pristine condition awaiting your return.  

Despite the positive announcement, there are still restrictions in place for all tennis clubs and conditions for reopening apply.  We ask members to please familiarise themselves with the following information prior to booking and attending the club.

From midnight tonight the follow conditions will apply for all members using the club:

1)     All members must use the booking system to confirm their play, and the 1.5 hour limit on bookings will remain, to ensure all members have an equal opportunity to play

2)     Members must include their name and any other players who they are playing with including contact phone numbers on their booking

3)     The wearing of a mask is still compulsory whilst entering and leaving the club, however, may be removed whilst playing

4)     A maximum of four (4) players from no more than two (2) households may occupy a court at any one time

5)     We request that there are no other family members or onlookers waiting around the courts whilst you are playing 

6)     All players are required to maintain the 1.5 metre distance from each other unless from the same household

7)     The clubhouse will remain closed; however, you may use the key in the lockbox to access the toilets. Please ensure you replace the key immediately, scramble the lock, and pull the door closed upon leaving. 

8)     It is preferred that members bring their own hand sanitiser, however for those using the bathrooms there is some located just inside the door.

9)     The gate code has been reinstated. Please ensure you scramble the code on the lock after you open the courts, and scramble the code upon leaving.  


Please be aware that we are only allowed up to ten (10) people from two (2) households at the facility at any one time, therefore should you arrive early for your court booking please remain in your car or away from the entrance until your allocated time.  

Unfortunately, given the limitations on the number of players and households, the club is unable to offer social at this stage.  We hope that further easing of restrictions on the 1st of November will allow us to resume our normal programs.

Naturally, should you have any flu like symptoms, or been in contact with anyone who has returned a positive COVID test, please refrain from attending the club. Should you or anyone you have been in contact with contract the virus please notify the club immediately.

Our Club Professional, Patti Katz, is eager to get started coaching again, so should you be keen to recommence your lessons, or wish to brush up on your skills, you can contact her directly on 0411 277 348 to arrange a time.

We hope you are as excited as we are to return to playing, and look forward to seeing you around the club.


Anthony Straford

President STATC

On behalf of the STATC Committee